The great philosopher and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson was quite right when he said “Rings and jewels are not real gifts but the only true gift is a portion of thyself”
We give ourselves when we give gifts from the heart; love, kindness, sympathy and forgiveness.
- Gifts of the mind; ideas, ideals, principles.
- Gifts of the spirit; prayer, faith, aspirations and peacefulness.
- Gifts of the tongue; encouragement, congratulations and directives
Value based education occupies a prominent place in the education system. No education can be regarded as complete if it neglects the heart and the spirit. Therefore, besides imparting knowledge and skill we believe in giving strong values along with a set of wings which may carry them far and wide. Values are the need of the hour which will equip the students to face the challenges of the rapidly changing world of today.
As educators we stress on one important fact that education is not merely learning of letters. To be literate is not just enough. But Truth, Goodness, Righteousness, Independent and Industriousness should be the hallmarks of an educated person. Character building is another hallmark of a truly educated person which is cultivated only through discipline and from within.
Teachers at KV Jipmer Campus, Puducherry are not only beacons of information and knowledge but also the authors of the destiny of so many lives entrusted to their care. They groom the young minds with the essentials of value based education such as compassion, love, harmony and true attitude. As role models we shoulder great responsibility in shaping the character of an individual and thereby build the character of the society and the nation.
The beauty of the country to a large extent depends on the country’s educational institutions. So dear students let your journey through the portals of this institution be attended by a sense of direction, so that you become pillars of this great land and dwell in peace and prosperity under the continued guidance and influence of your committed teachers.
I am extremely grateful to the committed and supportive management, dedicated teachers, caring and co-operative parents who blend harmoniously to create a child-centric school. I am very sure through collaborative effort we can achieve more to the benefit of our students who are the future leaders of tomorrow.
It was very rightly said that “Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectations”